Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Office is responsible for organizing theprocess of evaluation and continuous quality improvement in cooperation withthe academic and administrative staff, according to local and internationalstandards. The Quality Assurance Office operates in accordance with EuropeanStandards and Guidelines for Higher Education (ESG) and applicable Kosovolegislation. The Quality Assurance Office is an independent structure which issupervised by the Quality Assurance Commission and reports directly to theRector.
Some of the main tasks of Quality Assurance Office are asbelow:
- Internal and external evaluation of theinstitution
- Communication with external parties regardingthe institutional and program accreditation process
- Monitoring the processes of the development of newacademic programs
- Ensuring quality assurance in teaching,learning, administrative services, infrastructure, research, internal and external communication, internationalcooperation
- Applying fair and transparent processes withinthe institution
- Ensuring effective processes to collect andanalyze information about study programs and other activities.
In order to fulfill its mission in accordance with the Strategic Plan and the official Statute, Riinvest College has built and implemented the internal evaluation process based on ESG key goals to increase the quality assurance in teaching and learning outcomes. Based on ESG quality assurance standards, the entire evaluation process is divided into three levels of evaluation: institutional evaluation, program evaluation and module evaluation.
The instruments used for institutional evaluation are:
- Student survey for institutional evaluation
- Teaching staff survey for institutional evaluation
- Administrative staff survey.
The instruments used for program evaluation are:
- Student survey regarding course and teaching staff evaluation
- Teaching staff survey regarding course/module evaluation.
The Module evaluation is fulfilled through online designed questionnaires, meanwhile the QA Office provides instructions for completing the questionnaire.
In general, the Quality Assurance Office operates through mechanisms such as: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), internal audit, labour market analysis, alumni/industry/industrial board survey, staff and student survey each semester, etc.