Activities of student clubs

In addition to engaging in studies, our students are engaged in the creation of student clubs which aim to promote the shaping of students' skills. Student club activities play a crucial role in defining and channeling students' passion and interest, far beyond their academic pursuits. The extracurricular activities that are routinely organized by these clubs teach students practical life lessons, making them not only job-ready, but also through involvement in these clubs, complement their academic studies while meeting new friends and gaining experience. valid.  

Activities of student clubs2023-03-14T12:02:10+00:00

Student Engagement

Student engagement in higher education governance and quality assurance should be based on the following principles: · Independence · Being open · Democracy · Representation · Transparency · Integrity · Students and partners · All inclusion and diversity · Considering students as creative co · Collegiality and equality of evaluation · Professionalism and support · Feedback . Self-criticism and improvement · Consistency Riinvest College ensures that it meets all the above criteria in order for our students to have the best possible development and quality for the future.  

Student Engagement2022-06-17T14:58:31+00:00

Student Rights

Students have the right to: a) To attend lectures, seminars and all other learning activities, organized in accordance with their status; b) To use facilities in libraries, computer rooms and other services provided to students by the institution: c) To request additional hours of consultations with the lecturers of the subject for any problem that has ambiguities or requires academic support. d) To elect and be elected in the bodies of the institutions provided for students, in accordance with this law and the status of the institution: e) To express their opinion on the quality of teaching and the work of [...]

Student Rights2022-06-14T19:18:44+00:00

International Girls’ in ICT Day 2022

  On the occasion of the International Girls' Day in ICT, with the initiative of the Municipality of Prishtina, 15 organizations joined that contribute to the promotion and empowerment of girls and women in ICT every day. Join us and be part of Riinvest college activities. April 26-28. #GIRLSINICT22

International Girls’ in ICT Day 20222022-07-06T10:51:04+00:00

Riinvest College and Risk Smart Professional

A collaboration with Risk Smart Professional is added to the list of Riinvest College. Risk Smart Professional LLC is the official partner of the US-based Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (ACAMS), based in the USA, the purpose of this cooperation is for Riinvest College students to have access to certifications and training in the field of combating financial crimes, world-class with the aim of supporting the raising of the educational and professional level of Kosovar youth. Certifications are an added value for Riinvest College students which enable and facilitate the employment and advancement of students in their professional careers. Every [...]

Riinvest College and Risk Smart Professional2022-06-14T13:51:10+00:00

The first meeting of the Scientific Research Commission

The first meeting of the Scientific Research Commission is held, where four of the members of the Commission elected based on the decision of the Academic Council met: Albin Ahmeti, Gëzim Turkeshi, Ruzhdi Halili and Bletina Lepaja. The committee discussed the formation of the research institute, where the members proposed the formation of the Data Science group, as it is an interdisciplinary field and all professors have the opportunity to be involved and contribute. Another topic discussed was the Master Themes Symposium, which members saw as important because it would serve as a kind of filter to guide students in the [...]

The first meeting of the Scientific Research Commission2022-03-23T14:17:30+00:00

Job Fair

At Riinvest College we have organized the Job Fair, with the aim of welcoming various companies and meeting students who are interested in the positions opened by them. Students have been informed about employment or internship opportunities for a long time, so this time both parties have the opportunity to meet physically. The Job Fair represents Riinvest College's efforts to cover some aspects of the current  market in Kosovo. Date 11.03.2022 was a dedication to employment opportunities and career building, full of opportunities to create contacts and content valuable for the professional aspect. All this would not have been achieved without [...]

Job Fair2022-03-23T13:43:13+00:00

Stafit akademik të Kolegjit Riinvest i bashkohet profesor Dren Qerimi – English

Professor Dren Qerimi joins the academic staff of Riinvest College Professor Dren Qerimi has joined the academic staff of Riinvest College, who holds a PhD in Nuclear, Radiological and Plasma Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. During his doctorate he has created a new technology for users and the advancement of processors in the conductor industry, more judgmental with a focus on the latest technology of manufacturing processors by means of extreme ultraviolet lithography, to realize that he has published several scientific papers. Now prof. Dren is working as a scientist at Lam Research, the [...]

Stafit akademik të Kolegjit Riinvest i bashkohet profesor Dren Qerimi – English2022-02-24T13:06:06+00:00

Mbahet Mbledhja e Këshillit Akademik – English

The Meeting of Academic Council was held The Meeting of the Academic Council of Riinvest College is heldOn 12.02.2022, the next Meeting of the Academic Council of Riinvest College was organized. According to the Statute of the College, the Academic Council is the highest authority for dealing with teaching issues and scientific research. This meeting was attended by all holders and representatives of academic and research programs and student representatives.The Council was notified and reviewed the Semester and Annual Quality Report, institutional, program and student service performance indicators, the progress of the teaching process and the impact [...]

Mbahet Mbledhja e Këshillit Akademik – English2022-02-24T13:09:51+00:00

PhD. Albin Ahmeti, lecturer in the Computer Science program at Riinvest College – English

PhD. Albin Ahmeti, lecturer in the Computer Science program at Riinvest College Professor Albin Ahmeti is a lecturer at Riinvest College in the bachelor program, Computer Science and Software Engineering, as well as in the master program, MA Management. Professor Albin completed his studies in Prishtina, Rome and Vienna, earning a doctorate at a young age in the field of Semantic Web. During his academic career he has contributed to the Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien), the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien), and the University of Bolzano (Free [...]

PhD. Albin Ahmeti, lecturer in the Computer Science program at Riinvest College – English2022-02-24T12:34:40+00:00


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