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So far IT has created 76 blog entries.

Rritfort Vitija takes the opportunity of semester exchange

Rritfort Vitija shfrytëzon mundësinë e shkëmbimit semestral Studenti i Kolegjit Riinvest, Rritfort Vitija, i cili është në vitin e dytë të studimeve në programin Menaxhim Biznesi, shfrytëzoi mundësinë e shkëmbimit semestral në Ankona të Italisë, përmes bashkëpunimit të Kolegjit Riinvest me Universitetin Politecnica delle Marche.Rritfort tregon se është shumë i lumtur dhe mirënjohës ndaj kolegjit për këtë mundësi.

Rritfort Vitija takes the opportunity of semester exchange2022-02-24T13:41:25+00:00

MA Public Administration

Ma Public Administration Profiles MA Public Policy and Management MA International Affairs MA Urban Planning and Environment At the end of the 2-year program, students will have acquired a strong body of expertise, both in content and in computational skills, to solve challenging problems in digital societies thoughtfully and responsibly. More specifically, graduates program will be able to: Describe approaches to and context of public sector leadership Demonstrate proficiency in executing administrative functions and motivating people Value people and display effective leadership qualities Explain various policy frameworks, the policy process, and democratic systems Analyze [...]

MA Public Administration2022-01-13T07:57:03+00:00

MSc Data Science and Business Analytics

Data Science and Bussines Analytics Profiles MSc Society and Business MSc Advanced Data Science MSc Health and Environment   At the end of the 2-year program, students will have acquired a strong body of expertise, both in content and in computational skills, to solve challenging problems in digital societies thoughtfully and responsibly. More specifically, graduates program will be able to: Identify, analyze, interpret, and critically assess the social (e.g., business, economic, and political) causes and consequences of the digital transformation of societies. Academically reflect and evaluate the legal and ethical implications surrounding privacy, [...]

MSc Data Science and Business Analytics2022-01-12T09:36:57+00:00

MA Management

MA Menaxhment Profilet: MA Menaxhimi i Financave dhe Sistemeve të Informacionit MA Menaxhment dhe Marketing Në përputhje me zhvillimet më të fundit ekonomike në vend dhe në mbarë botën, programi Master i ofruar nga Kolegji Riinvest është një program i veçantë që karakterizohet nga kurse bashkëkohore, literatura moderne, metoda moderne kërkimore, staf me përvojë ndërkombëtare, komunikim i vazhdueshëm me studentë, publikime shkencore, zhvillim projektesh, si dhe mundësi për studime jashtë vendit. Studimet Master në Kolegjin Riinvest zgjasin dy vjet, ndërsa forma modulare e ligjëratës aplikohet gjatë gjithë studimeve. Në këtë program dyvjeçar, jo vetëm që do të fitoni njohuri [...]

MA Management2022-02-24T14:24:41+00:00

Riinvest International

Riinvest International Profiles: BSc Data Science and Business Analytics BSc Economics and Politics Riinvest International is an academic unit which offers world class international programmes through agreements with the University of London with academic direction from The London School of Economics and Political Science. The programmes being offered through Riinvest International are BSc. Economics and Politics and BSc Data Science and Business Analytics. Riinvest International is part of the 118 institutions network globally offering these prestigious programmes and it is the only institution offering the degrees covering Kosovo, North Macedonia and Albania. Studying at University [...]

Riinvest International2022-01-11T11:50:33+00:00

BSc Computer Science – Software Engineering

BSc Computer Science - Software Engineering Profiles BSc Database and Network Management BSc Mobile Programming and Cloud BSc Cyber Security The Computer Science Program at Riinvest College provides high quality studies to build experts in Software Engineering in order to meet market needs, with capacities to compete globally. This program is divided into three very modern and up to date specializations. Starting from the fourth semester, students are given the opportunity to choose the profile that is most suitable for them depending on their career and professional development. The Computer Science [...]

BSc Computer Science – Software Engineering2022-01-11T11:59:43+00:00

BA Business Management

BA Business Management Profiles: BA Economic Analysis for Business BA Management and Marketing BA Banking, Finance and Accounting Are you curious to learn how the world works, how prices are set, why some countries are richer and some poorer, why some get higher and lower wages, how many job positions are available every year, so prices change, how companies are created and how much do they produce, how do banks operate, how much money circulate in the economy, how do goods circulate around the world? If so, then you [...]

BA Business Management2022-02-23T11:26:29+00:00


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